I do realize my birthday was like two weeks ago but I want to share with all what a wonderful birfday I did have.
I went up to Lafayette to see some friends and hang out since I haven't seen them in a long time. I was able to have breakfast with Kristin, hangout with Emi and the Weida women, and spend time with Kim it was great. I even got to decorate the tree at church. After the packed day Kurt and I drove back to my Mums house for dinner. She made dukunu (a Belizian dish) yuuuuummmmmmy! THEN Kurt took me on a surprise adventure that took us into the outskirts of downtown...up to an unknown house down this dark street...He made me knock on the door and I was a little anxious but then a big teddy bear face appeared and it was Ty(Kurt's cousin)! We ended up at Ty's house and Heather was there! We went downtown to the IMAX theater to see the Christmas Carole. It was so good, my favorite part was when he was flying through the air.
Pretty good huh? WELL it's NOT over!
Saturday we went down to Bloomington to spend some time with Kurt's familia and put up their Christmas tree.
Sunday we went to the Colts game! It was so fun. BUT first we all went to breakfast and it was delicious!
After that Kurt and I went to steak n' shake.... Getting there was interesting though we went to a sketchy part of town looking for a place to eat.... I recommend not going over the bridge. THEN it was time for another surprise ..... this one was a little nervi for me. (Although I think I guessed it was going to happen on our drive through the sketch part of town but don't tell Kurt :-) ) He made me close my eyes the whole way there. Then wouldn't let me open my eyes until we got out the car and walked up there. I didn't trust his to be honest (and for good reason because he let me trip on a curb!!) Then he made me hold a phone book over my head(with my eyes still closed) to take a picture. (So embarrassing.)
Then... FINALLY..I was able to open my eyes!!! We were at the Zoo and not just anytime at the zoo ...Christmas at the ZOO. I wanted to go so bad because I love the lights. It was so too cool.
Not only did I get to go on all those adventures but I even got three cool presents from Kurt. THANKS BABE!
Awesome Birthday. Thank you Jesus for another year.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
Thanksgiving 09 woop woop
A lot of times my work schedule stinks but for the holidays it can be nice. I got the entire week off for Thanksgiving! On my first couple days off I got a bunch of stuff done I wouldn't usually get done.
This year I spent Thanksgiving day with my family (minus Kaley because she was in Gary with her husbands family). We went to our long time friends house from Jamaica and has a hodge podge of food. It was a good time; one of my co-workers came over too since his family is far away. After eating we came home
Side bar...(I am living at home now. The day I was to sign my lease I decided not to move there becuase it just cost so much money to live in a one bdrm apt- I could buy house for that amount of money. So, I caved in and moved back home. So far it hasn't been that bad, kind of nice actually. My mom and sister make food all the time and we have cool convos.)
Off side bar..... when we got back home we played telenary(favorite game ever!) and then we went to see Ninja Assasin., WORST idea EVA..it was so bad- not even entertaining. Oh well. Still over all pretty cool- I wish we had gone to Chicago and seen our Dad's side but Karyl had to work the next day and Mom wasn't feeling great.
On Friday I went to Kurt's mom's side of the family. It was a lot of fun. They were all so welcoming. We ate good food and played games most of the afternoon. Kurt picked my up from Indy so we drove to lafayette together and got to talk a bunch which was awesome. I think I enjoy those times the most becuase I learn a lot about his character during those conversations. I like that guy a bunch. I totally wish my job was closer to lafayette.
Saturday Kurt and the boys had a thanksgiving get together at their place. There were 25 people there not including all the kids! It was crazy but really fun and lots of good food.
Thank you Jesus for your blessings.
This year I spent Thanksgiving day with my family (minus Kaley because she was in Gary with her husbands family). We went to our long time friends house from Jamaica and has a hodge podge of food. It was a good time; one of my co-workers came over too since his family is far away. After eating we came home
Side bar...(I am living at home now. The day I was to sign my lease I decided not to move there becuase it just cost so much money to live in a one bdrm apt- I could buy house for that amount of money. So, I caved in and moved back home. So far it hasn't been that bad, kind of nice actually. My mom and sister make food all the time and we have cool convos.)
Off side bar..... when we got back home we played telenary(favorite game ever!) and then we went to see Ninja Assasin., WORST idea EVA..it was so bad- not even entertaining. Oh well. Still over all pretty cool- I wish we had gone to Chicago and seen our Dad's side but Karyl had to work the next day and Mom wasn't feeling great.
On Friday I went to Kurt's mom's side of the family. It was a lot of fun. They were all so welcoming. We ate good food and played games most of the afternoon. Kurt picked my up from Indy so we drove to lafayette together and got to talk a bunch which was awesome. I think I enjoy those times the most becuase I learn a lot about his character during those conversations. I like that guy a bunch. I totally wish my job was closer to lafayette.
Saturday Kurt and the boys had a thanksgiving get together at their place. There were 25 people there not including all the kids! It was crazy but really fun and lots of good food.
Thank you Jesus for your blessings.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Furniture SHopping
My Mum and I went to look at furniture today since when I move into my apartment in a couple weeks and I've decided once again that I am not a shopper; nor am I any good at putting things together. I am pretty sure I sat in at least half of the couches in that store and still I am not positive what I want.
Things I do know: I want my couch to be deep and long and loungy (whatever that means). I also know I don't want a loveseat because it wont fit in my apt so I think a chair would be good instead. I do know I like dark wood furniture too.
The couch I liked today is this one:

But I am not sure about the color or anything really. I have a horrible time making a decision.
hmmmm any thoughts?
Things I do know: I want my couch to be deep and long and loungy (whatever that means). I also know I don't want a loveseat because it wont fit in my apt so I think a chair would be good instead. I do know I like dark wood furniture too.
The couch I liked today is this one:

But I am not sure about the color or anything really. I have a horrible time making a decision.
hmmmm any thoughts?
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
First night on Nights
So in my glorious job at a manufacturing plant I have been granted the gift of working nights for 4 months. Last night was the first night.
So, in case you were wondering working nights means I go in at 6pm and leave anywhere between 7am and 9am.
Last night wasn't as bad as I thought it would be; it was a lot more relaxed than it on days and I had more time to get things done. I wasn't too tired either but I drank half a bottle of 5hour energy (which i would highly recommend the stuff really works-I just hope it isn't that bad for me).
For those in west Lafayette know that I was gone from the plant all last week and yesterday was my first day back and when I got there I was actually refreshed and a bit happy to be there. However, that feeling faded pretty quickly. As I read my emails and talked to people feelings of anxiety and tension started to rise up. At work I can humble admit I am probably not the best example of the Lord's servant by any means. I can be a little snippy and controlling and I could just feel those thoughts rising up. Lord please give me the strength and the ability to rejoice in my job and where you have me-even if it is at an un-Godly hour.
To dwell on better things though; I LOVED being in West Lafayette this past week. It was super hard to leave but I am thankful I was able to be there and hang out and be a part of the church more. I can't complain either that I got to hang out with Kurtmister quite a bit as well.
So, thank you Jesus for all your blessings even the ones I don't like very much right now.
So, in case you were wondering working nights means I go in at 6pm and leave anywhere between 7am and 9am.
Last night wasn't as bad as I thought it would be; it was a lot more relaxed than it on days and I had more time to get things done. I wasn't too tired either but I drank half a bottle of 5hour energy (which i would highly recommend the stuff really works-I just hope it isn't that bad for me).
For those in west Lafayette know that I was gone from the plant all last week and yesterday was my first day back and when I got there I was actually refreshed and a bit happy to be there. However, that feeling faded pretty quickly. As I read my emails and talked to people feelings of anxiety and tension started to rise up. At work I can humble admit I am probably not the best example of the Lord's servant by any means. I can be a little snippy and controlling and I could just feel those thoughts rising up. Lord please give me the strength and the ability to rejoice in my job and where you have me-even if it is at an un-Godly hour.
To dwell on better things though; I LOVED being in West Lafayette this past week. It was super hard to leave but I am thankful I was able to be there and hang out and be a part of the church more. I can't complain either that I got to hang out with Kurtmister quite a bit as well.
So, thank you Jesus for all your blessings even the ones I don't like very much right now.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Daddy Stories
I asked my mom about my dad the other day and their relationship and it was really cool to hear. It made me smile but made me a little sad at the same time. I would have loved to know him, he sounded like such an awesome man. I asked her about how their relationship worked even though it seemed like they came from two different worlds (he was from a small town in northern indy and my mom is from Belize) She talked about how he would fit in any where and any crowd. She also talked about the first time she met his Dad it was really cool to hear.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Relaxing and productive...say what?
Today was a very relaxing and productive day...yes both at the same time. It started with getting up and getting my oil for my car changed. Then I came home had breakfast while listening to Session III f the summer conference (http://www.vinecommunitychurch.com/audio)
Side note on the talk.... My favorite part was the first part, Hebrews 11 starts off about what faith is: Being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. It was hard for me to really follow the talk and connect but the other part I liked was when he talked about his church building and how the Lord told them to wait and they are still there. I love hearing stories like that reminds me he really does care about us individually and is not a far off out of touch God. He knows and cares about each of us.
To continue my productive/relaxing day........after breakfast I took a shower then went and got a massage!! I was a beautiful thing at the end I could have went to bed for the rest of the day. After that I came home and watched tv and chilled then I went shopping ( spent way too much today) I got home cooked dinner...(which I don't do often and when I say cook I just heated up-I had chicken stuffed with cheese and broccoli and peas with feta cheese on the side) AND NOW I am doing laundry.
I so don't want to go to work tomorrow but I am sure the next two days of work will go by fast. At least I hope so because I am super excited for this weekend to hang out with friends and RELAX some more.
Side note on the talk.... My favorite part was the first part, Hebrews 11 starts off about what faith is: Being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. It was hard for me to really follow the talk and connect but the other part I liked was when he talked about his church building and how the Lord told them to wait and they are still there. I love hearing stories like that reminds me he really does care about us individually and is not a far off out of touch God. He knows and cares about each of us.
To continue my productive/relaxing day........after breakfast I took a shower then went and got a massage!! I was a beautiful thing at the end I could have went to bed for the rest of the day. After that I came home and watched tv and chilled then I went shopping ( spent way too much today) I got home cooked dinner...(which I don't do often and when I say cook I just heated up-I had chicken stuffed with cheese and broccoli and peas with feta cheese on the side) AND NOW I am doing laundry.
I so don't want to go to work tomorrow but I am sure the next two days of work will go by fast. At least I hope so because I am super excited for this weekend to hang out with friends and RELAX some more.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
I was thinking today about how blessed I am. Being able to move back home and be around family for one but friends too!
I have been able to spend time with my youngest sister which has been super awesome. We are definitely growing a friendship that has never been there before. We even hung out tonight at my apartment and she did my nails and I made smoothies. I can't wait to see how being here will effect my other sister and my relationship (she is currently in colorado) Being able to go over to my mums for dinner and watch our favorite shows is fun.
Being by friends rocks hard core. I've been able to strengthen some freindships and grow some new ones and I am totally diggin it.
I have a job! I can pay off bills and are able to bless others (thank you Jesus!) I can read, walk, run, talk, eat awesome food and taste it.
I thought about all that blessing in my life becuase I was listening to the second session of the summer conference the church went on. He was talking about how he wants to be in front of the Lord and have evidence of doing something with what the Lord gave you. I am so blessed with so much I wonder if I truly use that the way the good all mighty Lord wants me to. Please Jesus let me know. I thank you!
I have been able to spend time with my youngest sister which has been super awesome. We are definitely growing a friendship that has never been there before. We even hung out tonight at my apartment and she did my nails and I made smoothies. I can't wait to see how being here will effect my other sister and my relationship (she is currently in colorado) Being able to go over to my mums for dinner and watch our favorite shows is fun.
Being by friends rocks hard core. I've been able to strengthen some freindships and grow some new ones and I am totally diggin it.
I have a job! I can pay off bills and are able to bless others (thank you Jesus!) I can read, walk, run, talk, eat awesome food and taste it.
I thought about all that blessing in my life becuase I was listening to the second session of the summer conference the church went on. He was talking about how he wants to be in front of the Lord and have evidence of doing something with what the Lord gave you. I am so blessed with so much I wonder if I truly use that the way the good all mighty Lord wants me to. Please Jesus let me know. I thank you!
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Life Choices
Please refer to the following sayings: "I wonder what God's calling is on my life" "When the Lord calls me I will go"
In the book "Crazy Love" he talked about how he doesn't like when people say those previsouly stated sayings. It says we should just live our life to glorify the Lord in all that we do. When we sit and watch tv for hours on end do we do it becuase the Lord "called us" to do it?
So, when it comes to my life how do I know what to do? I can work and do my best and glorify the Lord in all I do by serving people, working with integrity, and working for him and not for the sole purpose of moving up the ladder. OR I could move to a third world country OR just quit and do something else.
In the book "Crazy Love" he talked about how he doesn't like when people say those previsouly stated sayings. It says we should just live our life to glorify the Lord in all that we do. When we sit and watch tv for hours on end do we do it becuase the Lord "called us" to do it?
So, when it comes to my life how do I know what to do? I can work and do my best and glorify the Lord in all I do by serving people, working with integrity, and working for him and not for the sole purpose of moving up the ladder. OR I could move to a third world country OR just quit and do something else.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Ahh so I am finally doing it (writing a post) with much encouragement from some friends and fam!
Life is way crazy from the last entry I have been moved to indianapolis like most of you know. I absolutely love being here and have a feeling I am not going to want to leave.
One thing about living here though is the ridiculous working hours. Like today, I left for work at 6am and got home at 10:45 pm!!!!! AND get to go back in at 7 tomorrow. It's an interesting job and the time kind of goes by fast but I don't like the hours. No normal life to be had that's for sure.
This past two days off though were really nice. Kristin came down and I loved getting to know her better plus just hanging out. We also went and ordered out AWESOME bridesmaid dresses. They are so cute! Then I was a complete bum all day. Friday I got to hang out with my youngest sister all day it was fun. We went to the pool and got BURNT and got our eyebrows done, and had lunch ..it was good to hang out with her.
I can't wait for next weekend to go up to lafayette and Misha will be there and get to see everyone!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Belize Update and a revelation
So we (my youngest sister and I) arrived in Belize Sunday. It wasn't till we finally stepped out of the plane and in to the hot muggy air did it really hit me that we were here! Our family tends to be alot of talk and no action and even though I was in charge of the trip this time my mind was still weary of the outcome.
Sunday: My brother, unfortuneatly, had to go to Tinidad and Tobago (however you spell it) all week for work so he met us at the airport before he left and we had lunch. SO amazing to see him I miss him. His wonderful wife Tanya and youngest son Jahban were also present to welcome us. Jahban is SO CUTE. I will put picutres up when I return. The rest of the sunday consisted of eating great food ( Panades, cocunut tarts, plum, and honey chicken) it was then followed by ALOT of sleep. We literally got no sleep before the plane ride so we were spent.
Monday: We went to visit my grandparents in Belmopan its like 45 min away from Belize city (which is where we are staying) it was really good to see them. My grannie made sere which is a fish soup. SOUP?? who on earth makes soup when it's like 95 degrees outside haha never-the-less I thought it was good but my grannie it one of those who stuffs you full of food saying "take more take more and dont tell me you are on a diet!! " My grandad is so cute and has an amazing sense of humor and he loves boxing?? Love 'em.
Tuesday: Was not that exciting we just relaxed at the house. It was a cooler day of 75 and overcast. We decided to have a cookout and play games. So my sister-in -laws sister (follow?) had her friends come over and we hung out ate and played basketball. Then we played cards and finally ended on that one game with the 3 rounds I never remember the name of it! It was a good day regardless.
So my revelation ..............................even though people have kids it doesn't mean they grow up!! I have been talking to some friends and when hearing stories you would respond saying soemthing like "that is so childish" or "they need to grow up" orrrr "what is their problem?? they are suppose to be the parent" And it dawned on me (regardless of how obvious it is) that just because you bare a child doesn't mean you suddenly become mature and grow up....even if you have been a parent for 25 years!
Sunday: My brother, unfortuneatly, had to go to Tinidad and Tobago (however you spell it) all week for work so he met us at the airport before he left and we had lunch. SO amazing to see him I miss him. His wonderful wife Tanya and youngest son Jahban were also present to welcome us. Jahban is SO CUTE. I will put picutres up when I return. The rest of the sunday consisted of eating great food ( Panades, cocunut tarts, plum, and honey chicken) it was then followed by ALOT of sleep. We literally got no sleep before the plane ride so we were spent.
Monday: We went to visit my grandparents in Belmopan its like 45 min away from Belize city (which is where we are staying) it was really good to see them. My grannie made sere which is a fish soup. SOUP?? who on earth makes soup when it's like 95 degrees outside haha never-the-less I thought it was good but my grannie it one of those who stuffs you full of food saying "take more take more and dont tell me you are on a diet!! " My grandad is so cute and has an amazing sense of humor and he loves boxing?? Love 'em.
Tuesday: Was not that exciting we just relaxed at the house. It was a cooler day of 75 and overcast. We decided to have a cookout and play games. So my sister-in -laws sister (follow?) had her friends come over and we hung out ate and played basketball. Then we played cards and finally ended on that one game with the 3 rounds I never remember the name of it! It was a good day regardless.
So my revelation ..............................even though people have kids it doesn't mean they grow up!! I have been talking to some friends and when hearing stories you would respond saying soemthing like "that is so childish" or "they need to grow up" orrrr "what is their problem?? they are suppose to be the parent" And it dawned on me (regardless of how obvious it is) that just because you bare a child doesn't mean you suddenly become mature and grow up....even if you have been a parent for 25 years!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
A Friend and an awesome singer
This past week a very good friend of mine came to visit for her spring break. It was so awesome to hang out with her and catch up. I was in disbelief she was actually here so many plans and promises have been made in the past and I didn't think it would actually happen. We had dinner downtown the first night ...which was st pattys day craziness downtown!! We ended up starting Alias from the begining - ADORE that show she got hooked too.
We also went hiking and found the "grand" waterfalls of Bedford.
Saturday I went to the Adele concert. It was AMAZING!!! She is so good and the opening act was really good too. They are a Scottish band and have adorable accentts...I officially have a new crush. After the concert we went dancing. It was so much fun. My legs were sore this morning from dancing so much ...either that or the fact I am so out of shape.
I am really starting to enjoy living here in Cleveland too bad I am leaving in like 4 months
We also went hiking and found the "grand" waterfalls of Bedford.
Saturday I went to the Adele concert. It was AMAZING!!! She is so good and the opening act was really good too. They are a Scottish band and have adorable accentts...I officially have a new crush. After the concert we went dancing. It was so much fun. My legs were sore this morning from dancing so much ...either that or the fact I am so out of shape.
I am really starting to enjoy living here in Cleveland too bad I am leaving in like 4 months
Monday, March 2, 2009
Church, sermons and the like
So this weekend I listened to a few sermons online, went to church, and I am reading the Case for Christ... These are some of my thoughts pertaining to them (if you dont read the whole post read the last point-funny)
-John 4:14 but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Have you ever thought of that verse? When I read (which I am sure was for the 100th time) it hit me a different way. The questions "what does this look like?" and "what does that mean?" When we accept Jesus we don't stop yearning for things or asking questions. I am going to look into what this refers to.
-I listened to the discipline of community and I felt really home sick for ole' lafayette. Mainly the people there. That is what sets CRC apart from other churches it really focuses on doing life together and valuing community. I miss that so much.
-I listened to temptation from hypocrisy and sin and it was really good. Wanting to follow/respect Jesus and follow what he says.
-Case for Christ is actually a really good read so far. I never wanted to read it because everyone had but I am enjoying it and learning a lot!
-Every month the church I go to has something called "deeper" and during it I had a couple thoughts. One had to do with a broken relationship in my life and I was praying for it and at the end of deeper instead of getting prayer for it I thought to myself "there is no point" just a very strong spirit of skepticism came over me. I want to stop thinking through my own lens in life and have one like Gods. My view is so ugly.
-A couple of us from work went out for happy hour. During out appetizers and drinks one of the guys asks "you know in the almost 6 months that we have known you, you haven't been interested in any guys- for all we know you could be in to girls" umm say WHAT? number one defenealty into the dudes! but number two I just am not into settling and plus I am moving soon........ after listening to that hypocrisy sermon I felt a little convicted that I beat around the bush- I wish I would have said I am waiting on God's timing ... and not try to validate/convince ......... But yea way akward!
-John 4:14 but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Have you ever thought of that verse? When I read (which I am sure was for the 100th time) it hit me a different way. The questions "what does this look like?" and "what does that mean?" When we accept Jesus we don't stop yearning for things or asking questions. I am going to look into what this refers to.
-I listened to the discipline of community and I felt really home sick for ole' lafayette. Mainly the people there. That is what sets CRC apart from other churches it really focuses on doing life together and valuing community. I miss that so much.
-I listened to temptation from hypocrisy and sin and it was really good. Wanting to follow/respect Jesus and follow what he says.
-Case for Christ is actually a really good read so far. I never wanted to read it because everyone had but I am enjoying it and learning a lot!
-Every month the church I go to has something called "deeper" and during it I had a couple thoughts. One had to do with a broken relationship in my life and I was praying for it and at the end of deeper instead of getting prayer for it I thought to myself "there is no point" just a very strong spirit of skepticism came over me. I want to stop thinking through my own lens in life and have one like Gods. My view is so ugly.
-A couple of us from work went out for happy hour. During out appetizers and drinks one of the guys asks "you know in the almost 6 months that we have known you, you haven't been interested in any guys- for all we know you could be in to girls" umm say WHAT? number one defenealty into the dudes! but number two I just am not into settling and plus I am moving soon........ after listening to that hypocrisy sermon I felt a little convicted that I beat around the bush- I wish I would have said I am waiting on God's timing ... and not try to validate/convince ......... But yea way akward!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Read with Caution (kinda gross)
I am not sure why but I really feel the desire to share this:
So I have been ridiculously nauseous- a side effect i am attributing to the antibiotics I am on, valid assumption? not sure. but go with it. An accompanying side effect is a persistent headache- not important to the story but added for sympathy points.
Anywho, so i was sitting here not hungry because of the two previously stated reasons; so to take my medicine I decided to have some popcorn just so I wouldn't take it on an empty stomach. Hours later I am sitting here thinking about how much I would LOVE to throw up and I finally do!! and though during the initial onset I was actually elated that elation was deflated very quickly because throwing up popcorn is not fun and I currently have a kernal stuck in my throat. ( that would be the comic relief part)
Gross but that's the story. Enjoy
So I have been ridiculously nauseous- a side effect i am attributing to the antibiotics I am on, valid assumption? not sure. but go with it. An accompanying side effect is a persistent headache- not important to the story but added for sympathy points.
Anywho, so i was sitting here not hungry because of the two previously stated reasons; so to take my medicine I decided to have some popcorn just so I wouldn't take it on an empty stomach. Hours later I am sitting here thinking about how much I would LOVE to throw up and I finally do!! and though during the initial onset I was actually elated that elation was deflated very quickly because throwing up popcorn is not fun and I currently have a kernal stuck in my throat. ( that would be the comic relief part)
Gross but that's the story. Enjoy
Monday, February 16, 2009
Simple Joys
So I am not fully recovered from this awful sickness by any means however I ventured out any way becaase I am SO over my apartment. I went to see "He's just not that into you" with some girls from work after they coaxed me into going to this wine bar (which you may not know this about me but I love wine). It was good to get out.
On my way home I got to catch up with two awesome girls who I miss like none other. Than I got home and read some other friend's blogs and hearing about how they are doing well made me happy.
I actually felt ok enough to read today and I was reading and listening to some stuff about our big man Jesus and the whole idea about doing all things to Glorify God in all you do makes life look so different. Very cool.
Thank you Jesus for movies, for this lush life in America we are blessed with, for friends, and for blessing friends, and for giving you glory.
On my way home I got to catch up with two awesome girls who I miss like none other. Than I got home and read some other friend's blogs and hearing about how they are doing well made me happy.
I actually felt ok enough to read today and I was reading and listening to some stuff about our big man Jesus and the whole idea about doing all things to Glorify God in all you do makes life look so different. Very cool.
Thank you Jesus for movies, for this lush life in America we are blessed with, for friends, and for blessing friends, and for giving you glory.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Three day weekend bust
Wednesday night when I got home from bowling I could (almost literally) feel all my white blood cells attacking some foreign thing in my body. Thursday I got up and went to work any way and then they sent me home. What followed was probably what I would like to describe as the worst span of sickness that I have yet to experience. It started with a anvil like weight on my chest and difficulty inhaling correct amounts of oxygen. Then went into a hard core fever and shivers. Then it moved up to my throat I could hardly speak it hurt to swallow even breathe. After hardcore drugging myself I woke up this morning feeling a little normal. Just drained of energy now. I am so sick (no pun intended) of my apartment. I hope I feel up to atleast seeing a movie tomorrow. Getting out. Three day weekend spent being sick.... saddness. But Thank you Jesus that it was just a cold and I am getting better.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
FIRST Visit From A Friend
This weekend my FIRST visitor came to Cleveland to hang out!! Clay came- he is part of the Student Venture crew I always hung out with in highschool. It was really fun to be around someone familiar. We didn't do anything exciting really watch some movies and took a grand tour of Cleveland. It was just as much a tour for me as it was for him. I knew that stuff was down there and I had seen it but mainly at night so I was cool. Yea for visitors!
So when I knew Clay was coming I finally resolved to just go buy a couch. So, last weekend I went out with that very intention and guess what!!? I didn't get anything hahaha I didn't really like anything so instead I went to walmart and bought an air mattress. It worked out really well I think :-). I agree to the fact I am a little ridiculous but it's ok.

So, If anyone else would like to visit -you should!
So when I knew Clay was coming I finally resolved to just go buy a couch. So, last weekend I went out with that very intention and guess what!!? I didn't get anything hahaha I didn't really like anything so instead I went to walmart and bought an air mattress. It worked out really well I think :-). I agree to the fact I am a little ridiculous but it's ok.
So, If anyone else would like to visit -you should!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Unbelievable but totally believable
So this past weekend I went home to take care of some things and as (a pleasant) side note we ended up in Bloomington visiting the sister and cousin and we made panades (SO GOOD).
However, that isn't the unbelievable but totally believable part...on my drive back to good ole Cleveland O H I O I was disappointed to find the book on CD I had picked up from the library was scratched! I tried listening to music but it didn't fly I got annoyed real quick (still not the you know believable unbelieve part) SO I turned it off and drove in silence praying, thinking about things I have been learning and eventually talking to some friends on the phone (Miss you all dearly) After all that silence prayer and talking something was really bugging me, my head hurt becuase I couldn't figure it out. Today after volleyball ( which was interesting we lost two/three) it all kind of hit me - the unbelievable but totally believable
(I am fully aware all of the background story has really no relevance to the subsequent revelation but I have a problem with disclosing too much information plus it tells you what I've been up to)
I have said before that I realize that I am a stubborn, critical minded person at times - but for some unbelievable reason I have failed to realize how much that has affected my view and realationship with the Lord, the church, and relationships in general. I make comments a lot saying I don't believe peoples actions and thoughts especially when it comes to christians and pastors. There are so many things especially about God that people talk about frequently like fearing the Lord, having a desire to be with him, the Lord's Character in general - and I say all the time how I don't think people understand that and the church usually preaches the opposite of what he is really about. More accuraetly that they leave part of it out - BUT (here is the climactic part, atleast for me)I think that mainly comes from the fact I don't really know it or understand it and apply that same truth to everyone and everything...you know the whole "you see the world through your own lense and such." There is more to this, what I like to call, ahh huuu moment but my brain is still trying to comprehend.
I pray the Lord softens my heart more and reveals more of these thing to me, totally believable I refused to see that.
However, that isn't the unbelievable but totally believable part...on my drive back to good ole Cleveland O H I O I was disappointed to find the book on CD I had picked up from the library was scratched! I tried listening to music but it didn't fly I got annoyed real quick (still not the you know believable unbelieve part) SO I turned it off and drove in silence praying, thinking about things I have been learning and eventually talking to some friends on the phone (Miss you all dearly) After all that silence prayer and talking something was really bugging me, my head hurt becuase I couldn't figure it out. Today after volleyball ( which was interesting we lost two/three) it all kind of hit me - the unbelievable but totally believable
(I am fully aware all of the background story has really no relevance to the subsequent revelation but I have a problem with disclosing too much information plus it tells you what I've been up to)
I have said before that I realize that I am a stubborn, critical minded person at times - but for some unbelievable reason I have failed to realize how much that has affected my view and realationship with the Lord, the church, and relationships in general. I make comments a lot saying I don't believe peoples actions and thoughts especially when it comes to christians and pastors. There are so many things especially about God that people talk about frequently like fearing the Lord, having a desire to be with him, the Lord's Character in general - and I say all the time how I don't think people understand that and the church usually preaches the opposite of what he is really about. More accuraetly that they leave part of it out - BUT (here is the climactic part, atleast for me)I think that mainly comes from the fact I don't really know it or understand it and apply that same truth to everyone and everything...you know the whole "you see the world through your own lense and such." There is more to this, what I like to call, ahh huuu moment but my brain is still trying to comprehend.
I pray the Lord softens my heart more and reveals more of these thing to me, totally believable I refused to see that.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Update time- I've started to write a blog at least twice this past week and just gave up so I am going to persevere through and finish this one :-) as I cook some dinner.
Sports Update:
Church/Spiritual Update
Also, at the conference while she was talking I had two thoughts.
Sports Update:
- Volleyball- we won 1 and lost 2. It was quite tragic and I blame the guys :-) With good reason. Our lack of wins bumped us down to third place but we still have a couple more games to bring it around.
- Bowling- our team hay a bye week and didn't have to play against another team so we competed against each other and I so won. Granted my scores were 118, 133, and 128 not the greatest but I still beat one of the guys on my team(he was having a really bad night
Church/Spiritual Update
- Church had a conference this past Thursday and Friday night and Christi Wember (John Wember's, the founder or what not of vineyards, daughter-n-law) spoke. It was good nothing really convicting for me but it was good to be in community.
One song we sang (Where you go I'll go by Brian and Jenn Johnson) that I really liked had lyrics that went like this:
Where you go I'll GoIt was my favorite song we sang, especially that part.
What you say I'll Say (God)
What you pray I'll Pray
What you pray I'll Pray
Also, at the conference while she was talking I had two thoughts.
1. She talked a lot about living a life that is on fire that everyone around would want to come watch you burn and having an attitude that people want to be around - that you show the light of God. As I heard her say that I thought to myself how badly I want a better attitude sometimes, I am such a cynical person sometimes ( a lot of times) and I would love to change that because sometimes when I talk to people I feel bad for them that they have to hear me talk all the time. But I don't want to be fake and lie about how I really feel. Prayer for that would be great.
2. Most of her talk was a lot about her experiences and taking about God in general but I was weary of some of what she said. And PLEASE SHOOT ME DOWN if you know something I don't but she said " God loves when we trust him he eats that stuff up" and I thought to my self does it say that in the Bible? Or is she just assuming that? Sometimes I feel we assume God is like humans and has all the same emotions but I would like to think (I know I am making assumptions too) that God made us in his image but we are not totally like him so if we eat up the fact the people trust us does it mean that he does? Just a thought
3. Yeah I know I said two things but I liked this analogy that she said:
" There was this salesman that couldn't get this customer to buy what he was selling and his manager asked him about it and the salesman said I guess the saying is true you can bring a horse to water but you can't make him drink. His manager then responds, it is not your job to make him drink it's your job to make him thirsty" Same applies to the evangelism
- Studies so I have decided to start a study in 1 and 2 Peter and follow along with Mark Driscol's new sermon series. I am actually really excited about it. Also, potentially doing a woman's study with Rachel which would be really fun.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
"Unceasing Worship"
So I was just passing time by perusing through facebook and checking up on some friends. One friend included Mrs. Misha Seger and I saw that she blogged!! So checked it out and it lead me to Mark Driscoll's blog and stumbled upon a very comforting passage.
He was talking about Spiritual Disciplines, in highlight, Worship. The last one on the sub list of worship was unceasing worship and it read this:
"Jesus’ life destroys any notion that worship is a sacred thing we do at a special time and special place. All of life is to be lived as ceaseless worship; cutting our grass and cleaning our dishes are as sacred and God-glorifying as raising our hands in church. Jesus Himself modeled this: He spent roughly 90 percent of His earthly life doing chores as a boy and working a carpentry job as a man. Paul sums up the life of unceasing worship best in 1 Corinthians 10:31, “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”"
The part about 90% of Jesus' life was just doing chores and carpentry is incredible encouraging. The main gripe I have had about life lately is that I don't feel like I am making much of a difference and that my life does not mean much - which is a bit on the depressing side. However, Jesus for most of his life did very, seemingly, non-value added things in life. The ordinary day in day out stuff. The Lord has so graciously used me and allowed me to see it by bring people to him. I have made a difference in the kingdom world. Though I totally and duly note the fact that it is not the same impact the Jesus had but if Jesus can handle 90% of his life doing the ordinary how much more should I. I should take delight that I am where the Lord has me and worship unceasingly.
I pray that the Lord reminds me of that and helps ingrain that in me, because though this was a profound light bulb in my life I still feel this internal struggle.
He was talking about Spiritual Disciplines, in highlight, Worship. The last one on the sub list of worship was unceasing worship and it read this:
"Jesus’ life destroys any notion that worship is a sacred thing we do at a special time and special place. All of life is to be lived as ceaseless worship; cutting our grass and cleaning our dishes are as sacred and God-glorifying as raising our hands in church. Jesus Himself modeled this: He spent roughly 90 percent of His earthly life doing chores as a boy and working a carpentry job as a man. Paul sums up the life of unceasing worship best in 1 Corinthians 10:31, “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”"
The part about 90% of Jesus' life was just doing chores and carpentry is incredible encouraging. The main gripe I have had about life lately is that I don't feel like I am making much of a difference and that my life does not mean much - which is a bit on the depressing side. However, Jesus for most of his life did very, seemingly, non-value added things in life. The ordinary day in day out stuff. The Lord has so graciously used me and allowed me to see it by bring people to him. I have made a difference in the kingdom world. Though I totally and duly note the fact that it is not the same impact the Jesus had but if Jesus can handle 90% of his life doing the ordinary how much more should I. I should take delight that I am where the Lord has me and worship unceasingly.
I pray that the Lord reminds me of that and helps ingrain that in me, because though this was a profound light bulb in my life I still feel this internal struggle.
Friday, January 9, 2009
After the beginning of this week (and much prayer, thanks) the Lord gave me the gift of joy. That word is so interesting. What does it mean to have joy anyway? It reminds me of Love - not oh snap that guy's smokin lust kind of love but the God agape kind. Love people who don't deserve it when it's so stinking hard. SO, Joy to have it when it's so stinking hard and as life is doesn't warant nor deserve it. Wednesday when I came home from work I actaully got some stuff done and listened to some sermons. I kind of enjoyed myself and was happy. However, I feel like its a crazy up hill battle and I fall on numerous occasions towards the valley of dispair.
This week I also went to bible study, finally. I had very mixed feelings about it. The upside to it was the passages we read: Phillipians 2-3. Paul's life, prior to his experiance with God, was not exactly humanitarian nor the life which the good Lord would be happy of. However, he became a man after him in phil 3 it talks about how by the wordly standards he was hott stuff man. Had the right race card, had the right job etc but that didn't matter to him. He found it joy just to know God's love
The mixed feelings came from the fact I can be such an incredibly critical person. There were some people there who just made me cringe and I didn't feel totally comfortable. The whole time i was asking the Lord to give me grace and to learn from the people there. TOtally hard.
This week I also went to bible study, finally. I had very mixed feelings about it. The upside to it was the passages we read: Phillipians 2-3. Paul's life, prior to his experiance with God, was not exactly humanitarian nor the life which the good Lord would be happy of. However, he became a man after him in phil 3 it talks about how by the wordly standards he was hott stuff man. Had the right race card, had the right job etc but that didn't matter to him. He found it joy just to know God's love
The mixed feelings came from the fact I can be such an incredibly critical person. There were some people there who just made me cringe and I didn't feel totally comfortable. The whole time i was asking the Lord to give me grace and to learn from the people there. TOtally hard.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Trying Hard to look up
I feel like such a loser sometimes- I just am not happy here. Today at work was uuubber frustrating; one of those days where you just want to throw up your hands and say the heck with it. I had to remind myself numerous times to smile and to think about God. (didn't change my mood much)
Another thing that gets to me is I can't get anything done. I feel so bounded - I can get one thing started a night like emptying my dishwasher and not loading it and sorting the laundry but not doing it. Its so annoying.
Yesterday I was feeling down too so I went to the coffee shop and read my bible it was really nice but I want reading the bible to give me peace and joy and it's not working. I try so hard to make a conscience effort to take joy in where I am however it's not working.
On a side note I had a volleyball game today. The other team had only three players (us 6!) we won the first and last but lost the second so crazy, we had twice as many people and every game was close. I did make the winning point which was cool.
Another thing that gets to me is I can't get anything done. I feel so bounded - I can get one thing started a night like emptying my dishwasher and not loading it and sorting the laundry but not doing it. Its so annoying.
Yesterday I was feeling down too so I went to the coffee shop and read my bible it was really nice but I want reading the bible to give me peace and joy and it's not working. I try so hard to make a conscience effort to take joy in where I am however it's not working.
On a side note I had a volleyball game today. The other team had only three players (us 6!) we won the first and last but lost the second so crazy, we had twice as many people and every game was close. I did make the winning point which was cool.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
The Holidays
I just got home from a week and a half in indy and it was wonderfully enjoyable with its minor hickups...So much happened I feel.
It started out with a very eventful drive home which included black ice, near death experience, a ditch, staying with strangers, and my windshield wipers motor going out. Glorious experience I must say but got is good and I am safe and I made it to indy.
Christmas was surprisingly nice. My mums house was all decorated and filled with awesome cooking. Then to sets of aunts, uncles, and cousins came over. We played games and ate alot of food.
The days to follow were a whirlwind. I had a massive shouting match with mi madre and hand some issues boil up. With the car being pretty much totaled since the motor for the windshield wipers cost more than the actual car is worth I needed a new car and in the hopes to spare a long winded explanation I got a new car after many road blocks to get there! A kia spectra. Pretty crazy and since it's an '09 I feel oddly guilty about having it but trying to just be thankful that the Lord provided.
During the break I also went to Purdue (in fact right from the auto dealership i drove up) and went to a basketball game with the gang. It was fun we lost but still fun. I also got to hangout and celebrate newyears with them. It was good relationships were strengthened and air was cleared. I met up with the ole Weida gang. One day was actaully completly dedicated to hanging out with Kim and her kidos which was SO much fun and refreshing. Mindy even came over, it was so great to catch up and see her.
Overall it was a really nice break which is making tomorrow (first day back at work) kinda painful but it will be good.
It started out with a very eventful drive home which included black ice, near death experience, a ditch, staying with strangers, and my windshield wipers motor going out. Glorious experience I must say but got is good and I am safe and I made it to indy.
Christmas was surprisingly nice. My mums house was all decorated and filled with awesome cooking. Then to sets of aunts, uncles, and cousins came over. We played games and ate alot of food.
The days to follow were a whirlwind. I had a massive shouting match with mi madre and hand some issues boil up. With the car being pretty much totaled since the motor for the windshield wipers cost more than the actual car is worth I needed a new car and in the hopes to spare a long winded explanation I got a new car after many road blocks to get there! A kia spectra. Pretty crazy and since it's an '09 I feel oddly guilty about having it but trying to just be thankful that the Lord provided.
During the break I also went to Purdue (in fact right from the auto dealership i drove up) and went to a basketball game with the gang. It was fun we lost but still fun. I also got to hangout and celebrate newyears with them. It was good relationships were strengthened and air was cleared. I met up with the ole Weida gang. One day was actaully completly dedicated to hanging out with Kim and her kidos which was SO much fun and refreshing. Mindy even came over, it was so great to catch up and see her.
Overall it was a really nice break which is making tomorrow (first day back at work) kinda painful but it will be good.
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