Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Holidays

I just got home from a week and a half in indy and it was wonderfully enjoyable with its minor hickups...So much happened I feel.

It started out with a very eventful drive home which included black ice, near death experience, a ditch, staying with strangers, and my windshield wipers motor going out. Glorious experience I must say but got is good and I am safe and I made it to indy.
Christmas was surprisingly nice. My mums house was all decorated and filled with awesome cooking. Then to sets of aunts, uncles, and cousins came over. We played games and ate alot of food.
The days to follow were a whirlwind. I had a massive shouting match with mi madre and hand some issues boil up. With the car being pretty much totaled since the motor for the windshield wipers cost more than the actual car is worth I needed a new car and in the hopes to spare a long winded explanation I got a new car after many road blocks to get there! A kia spectra. Pretty crazy and since it's an '09 I feel oddly guilty about having it but trying to just be thankful that the Lord provided.
During the break I also went to Purdue (in fact right from the auto dealership i drove up) and went to a basketball game with the gang. It was fun we lost but still fun. I also got to hangout and celebrate newyears with them. It was good relationships were strengthened and air was cleared. I met up with the ole Weida gang. One day was actaully completly dedicated to hanging out with Kim and her kidos which was SO much fun and refreshing. Mindy even came over, it was so great to catch up and see her.

Overall it was a really nice break which is making tomorrow (first day back at work) kinda painful but it will be good.


Kim said...

We love Karissa time! Thanks for hanging out with us all day. We really enjoyed seeing you. And I now have another Chuck convert. :-)

Summer said...

sorry to hear the car (finally) crapped out but glad that you got a new one. don't feel guilty about an '09! you're worth it! ;)

Cristie said...

Hi Fly! I just stumbled upon your blog. I love it! It is nice to "check in" on you. Thanks for sending Emi to us. Of course, NO ONE can replace our little Karissa :)
Have a great week!