Monday, February 16, 2009

Simple Joys

So I am not fully recovered from this awful sickness by any means however I ventured out any way becaase I am SO over my apartment. I went to see "He's just not that into you" with some girls from work after they coaxed me into going to this wine bar (which you may not know this about me but I love wine). It was good to get out.

On my way home I got to catch up with two awesome girls who I miss like none other. Than I got home and read some other friend's blogs and hearing about how they are doing well made me happy.

I actually felt ok enough to read today and I was reading and listening to some stuff about our big man Jesus and the whole idea about doing all things to Glorify God in all you do makes life look so different. Very cool.

Thank you Jesus for movies, for this lush life in America we are blessed with, for friends, and for blessing friends, and for giving you glory.


Sarah said...

I hope you feel better Karissa. I love you!

Kim said...

Sarah actually babysat while I dragged Dave to that movie! I'm glad that you got out a little bit.