Sunday, January 18, 2009


Update time- I've started to write a blog at least twice this past week and just gave up so I am going to persevere through and finish this one :-) as I cook some dinner.

Sports Update:
  • Volleyball- we won 1 and lost 2. It was quite tragic and I blame the guys :-) With good reason. Our lack of wins bumped us down to third place but we still have a couple more games to bring it around.
  • Bowling- our team hay a bye week and didn't have to play against another team so we competed against each other and I so won. Granted my scores were 118, 133, and 128 not the greatest but I still beat one of the guys on my team(he was having a really bad night

Church/Spiritual Update
  • Church had a conference this past Thursday and Friday night and Christi Wember (John Wember's, the founder or what not of vineyards, daughter-n-law) spoke. It was good nothing really convicting for me but it was good to be in community.
    One song we sang (Where you go I'll go by Brian and Jenn Johnson) that I really liked had lyrics that went like this:
Where you go I'll Go
What you say I'll Say (God)
What you pray I'll Pray
What you pray I'll Pray
It was my favorite song we sang, especially that part.

Also, at the conference while she was talking I had two thoughts.
1. She talked a lot about living a life that is on fire that everyone around would want to come watch you burn and having an attitude that people want to be around - that you show the light of God. As I heard her say that I thought to myself how badly I want a better attitude sometimes, I am such a cynical person sometimes ( a lot of times) and I would love to change that because sometimes when I talk to people I feel bad for them that they have to hear me talk all the time. But I don't want to be fake and lie about how I really feel. Prayer for that would be great.

2. Most of her talk was a lot about her experiences and taking about God in general but I was weary of some of what she said. And PLEASE SHOOT ME DOWN if you know something I don't but she said " God loves when we trust him he eats that stuff up" and I thought to my self does it say that in the Bible? Or is she just assuming that? Sometimes I feel we assume God is like humans and has all the same emotions but I would like to think (I know I am making assumptions too) that God made us in his image but we are not totally like him so if we eat up the fact the people trust us does it mean that he does? Just a thought

3. Yeah I know I said two things but I liked this analogy that she said:
" There was this salesman that couldn't get this customer to buy what he was selling and his manager asked him about it and the salesman said I guess the saying is true you can bring a horse to water but you can't make him drink. His manager then responds, it is not your job to make him drink it's your job to make him thirsty" Same applies to the evangelism

  • Studies so I have decided to start a study in 1 and 2 Peter and follow along with Mark Driscol's new sermon series. I am actually really excited about it. Also, potentially doing a woman's study with Rachel which would be really fun.
I do believe friends that is all I have to update besides the fact I went to Mongolian BBQ and saw Gran Torino; both were totally enjoyable....aaaanddd I am shopping for a couch so when people come to visit they have a place to sit :-)


Mindy said...

very intriguing thoughts. I'm always thing poor people who have to listen to my whining. maybe that's why we made such good roommates....

Summer said...

love the third thought, love that worship song, love mongolian bbq.
love you.

Misha Seger said...

I thought about the statement "God loves when we trust him he eats that stuff up"- and I agree with you in thinking: 'Does God really feel that way - does it really say that in the bible?'
My response is that the bible is always encouraging and commanding us to trust God. Psalms say repeatedly things like "Blessed is the man who makes the Lord his trust" and "Commit your way to the Lord, trust him.." "Blessed is the man who trusts in [God]"
Now, bible is clear on something that specifically pleases God ".. without faith it is impossible to please God.."Heb 11:6
She probably should have said that faith pleases God and maybe that is what she meant :o)

Jon Seger said...

Karissa, I'm so glad that you are a blogger! I get on Google Reader to check the blogosphere (ha!) probably every day, and I now want you to know that I am officially a subscriber to The Point.

While I'm here, I thought I might offer my own insight into point #2 from the conference.

1. The words trust, faith, and believe (when used in the right context) mean nearly the exact same thing. In the Greek (and don't think that I know Greek.. I just know how to use a concordance well), one word is used for trust, faith, and believe. In its noun form, the word is 'pisteuo', and in its verb form, the word is 'pistis'. One word translated as either trust, faith, or believe. I'm telling you this to kind of set a groundwork for the rest of what I will say.

2. I completely understand where you are coming from. Too many times, people make blank statements without giving scripture to back up their words. It's like their words have no meaning, just empty assumptions and possible lies. Even as I was listening to what the speaker said, it kind of sounded like she was speaking so candidly without any reverence for the things of God.

3. So, here's the thing. I think that too often, instead of lovingly responding to people in a way that is encouraging and edifying, I have just beaten people upside the head with scripture and arguments and bold statements, rendering them helpless and dumbfounded. (Also, I might add that I did not come to this conclusion on my own, but by the sanctifying work of being married to my wife... Seriously, ask her about it.) All that said, instead of just coming out swinging, I'll point you to where I think the bible explains how God feels about trusting him. Start out by reading Hebrews 11. Then, if you have a concordance, look up all the instances where faith, trust, and believe are used, including variations of the words as well (like faithful, trusted, belief, etc). This is a daunting task (I think it approaches 1000 occurrences), but well worth your time.

4. If this isn't really something you want to do or even have the time to do, shoot me an email and I'll let you know what I think about what she said.