Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Read with Caution (kinda gross)

I am not sure why but I really feel the desire to share this:

So I have been ridiculously nauseous- a side effect i am attributing to the antibiotics I am on, valid assumption? not sure. but go with it. An accompanying side effect is a persistent headache- not important to the story but added for sympathy points.

Anywho, so i was sitting here not hungry because of the two previously stated reasons; so to take my medicine I decided to have some popcorn just so I wouldn't take it on an empty stomach. Hours later I am sitting here thinking about how much I would LOVE to throw up and I finally do!! and though during the initial onset I was actually elated that elation was deflated very quickly because throwing up popcorn is not fun and I currently have a kernal stuck in my throat. ( that would be the comic relief part)
Gross but that's the story. Enjoy


Kim said...

Ugh, I can relate. That happened to me when I was pregnant. It's the worst. Maybe not the kernel stuck, but definitely the other.

Sarah said...


Kurt McConnell said...

Hahaha, who types this in a blog?? You're hilarious :)